
Artist Statement

by John Tweddle

Fantasies dance with dreams and sweet illusions while imagination creates inventions. These creations bask in visions of magic while make-believe wishes seek out chimera and hallucinations of apparitions within the mirage. Frozen in a trance looking for hope with desire for art or maybe music as deciphered through literature and grand original thoughts accessed by meditations with fictitious spirits and elusive ghosts. Entertaining poltergeist and their amusing demons with their companion angels watching the specter of phantom banshee actors gesturing magnificently through space and timeless animation. Intently acting or pretending inside a light drenched atmosphere of mysterious feelings and swirling moods of fast alternating beliefs that come and go through your guts while questioning the validity of fortitude and courage and the real determination to dissect religion and reveal the face of superstition created to quell the insecurity and fears of potential madness or insanity born of confusion deep within the essence of heart and soul. Asking what are your true intentions. What is real is born from that vast dream world of infinite possibilities that only the imagination can enter and explore forever more. . . .